Elif Sezen: Rose map

Rose map

Elif Sezen – Rose map

Note: Ayvalık is a seaside town on the north-western Aegean coast of Turkey. Konya (known as Iconium in Roman times) is a major city in south-western edge of the Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey. Konya was the final home of Mevlana Jalaluldin Rumi, whose tomb resides in this city.

Elif Sezen is a Melbourne-born poet, writer and interdisciplinary visual artist, grew up both here and in Izmir, Turkey. She settled in Melbourne in 2007. She writes original poetry in English and in Turkish. Elif holds a PhD in Fine Art from Monash University. She published her Turkish translation of Ilya Kaminsky’s acclaimed book Dancing in Odessa in 2014. Her collection of poems Universal Mother was published by GloriaSMH Press in 2016, and her most recent collection A Little Book of Unspoken History was published by Puncher&Wattmann in late 2018. She also published a chapbook The Dervish with Wings in 2017. Her poems appeared widely in national/international publications, journals and anthologies. http://www.elifsezen.com

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