Martin Schauss: the analytic’s guide to radical ecorisms

the analytic’s guide to radical ecorisms


Radical ecopoets don’t grow on trees.

Radical ecopoets don’t grow on trees but trees grow radical.

Trees grow radical by nature.

Trees grow radical by nature until they die.

A dead tree is no longer radical.

Uprooted trees are deradicalized.

Uprooted trees are deradicalized and transmigratory. Like a moth.

The root of radical is of course the root.

The square root of radical is the radical root of radical.

The square root of radical is the ecopoetic root. If you want.

This root grows whenever you think the radical.

When you think the radical the tree grows roots.

When you think the radical the radical roots.

Some radical ecopoets grow trees in their backyards.


Martin Schauss is currently trying to finish his PhD on Samuel Beckett and W.G. Sebald at the University of Warwick. He is from Luxembourg.

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